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3D Modeling/render


I worked as a 3D modeler for a wine caps company, Amorim SA [Portugal] and I was in charge of developing new special bottle caps for the brands they worked with.

These designs are 10+ years old and I hope I get the chance to make use of my 3D skills again.

To create these I used Solidworks and Cinema 4D. Rendered with V-Ray.

3d tec.jpg
3d gen.jpg
Asset 1_4x.png

Social Media Ad


This is a paid Ad Carousel I designed for Vivant, a startup company that sells organic wine in tubes.

Click below to see the thought process behind the design.


AI Character Concepts


These are some concept characters created in MidJourney AI and Photoshop.

It's a selection of creative images that came about through experimentation in order to test the possibilities and limitations of the best current AI models.

The images have been further enhanced with a hover interaction to give more depth and expressiveness to the viewing experience, turning these 2D images into 2.5D.

Hover the images to interact.

[hover on the images]

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